[Indexed in EconLit [EconLit Coverage: 2013, 24(86) - present], RePEc and EconPapers]
Aims of the Journal
The Ekonomik Yaklasim (EY) journal is the official publication of the Ekonomik Yaklasim Association. The Journal publishes research articles in the fields of all major fields of economics and other social sciences related with economics for contributing to the international social sciences literature. Ekonomik Yaklasim also aims to promote interdisciplinary studies over the issues of theoretical, practical, and historical importance in dealing with problems in economics.
Focus and Scope
Ekonomik Yaklasim is a double blind peer-reviewed journal that employs economics to analyze issues in business, consumer behavior, public policy, history and politics. The Journal is focused on publishing both theoretical and empirical papers in economics. It is open for orthodox but also unorthodox approaches.
Translations are not accepted, except for those that are thought to contribute to the field of social sciences.
Publication Language
The Journal welcomes not only Turkish authors, but also authors from all over the world. Papers may be written in English or Turkish. The decision to submit in either English or Turkish does not affect the outcome of the review process or the chance that the article is accepted. Authors with a good command of written English are nevertheless encouraged to submit articles in English in order to simplify the editorial process.
Journal Sections
There are five sections such as original article, book review, erratum, special issue and other.
The Journal is published four times a year in February, May, August, and November.
Evaluation Criteria
The primary criteria for selecting papers are quality and importance for the field. Manuscripts submitted to Ekonomik Yaklasim should contain original research that have neither been published nor sent for review to any type of publication. The contents of each article are the exclusive responsibility of the authors.The journal's acceptance rate is 62%.
Review Process
All submissions will undergo a double blind peer review process by at least two reviewers. In the case of disparate opinions on the part of reviewers, the work will be forwarded to a third reviewer. Authors may be asked by the editors at all times during the editorial process to revise a contribution in order to maintain scientific standards and comply with the journal’s author guidelines and style guide. Reviews are made based on the system of the ejmanager.com. The editors may commission additional reviews as part of the editorial process. For authors who are requested by reviewers or editors to revise and resubmit their article it is mandatory to resubmit the article together with a documentation of the changes made according to the recommendations of reviewers or editors and to defend these changes. This statement will be provided to the reviewer together with the resubmitted article. Reviewers will receive all reviews in order to re-review resubmitted papers. Reviewers are expected to comply with the principles of good scientific conduct. Reviewers should not accept reviews if anonymity is breached or a conflict of interest exists. Review results will be made available to the authors anonymously. Decisions on the acceptance of papers, revision of contributions, additional reviews or re-reviews and copy editing are solely the responsibility of the editors in agreement with the publisher, and are final. Review results are merged in a file as Paper Review Form.
By submitting a contribution, the corresponding author declares that the article has not been submitted or published previously, and that no copyright-protected material is used (unless by permission and properly acknowledged).
Note that all submissions to our journal are screened by iThenticate (Professional Plagiarism Prevention) program.
All the data and full texts of the articles published in the Ekonomik Yaklasim are stored in XML and .pdf formats in a third party cloud server that is closed to access.
The Journal does not accept advertisements. However, the Journal can make announcements on the web page about non-profit scientific events.
Privacy Policy
Personal information like names and e-mail addresses submitted to the Journal will be used exclusively for this journal and te Journal's scientific purposes. Regarding information will not be used for other aims and will not be shared with third parties.
Open Access Policy
The Journal adopts open access policy.
IMPORTANT: In your article file (doc, docx) that you will upload to the system, the names of the authors and institutions should not be included!
Footnotes in the text are given by numbering on the relevant page; not placed at the end of the text. Figures and tables should be placed on the relevant page. The source must be indicated in the figures and tables and the relevant references must be added to the bibliography. Notes which are below figures and tables should make them understandable regardless of the main text. Figures and tables placed in the main text should not be the output of the software program, but should be in the form of tables that the authors have converted themselves. Figures and tables should be arranged in accordance with A4 paper size.
Along with the work, a Turkish abstract (not exceeding 300 words) and an English abstract with an English title (not exceeding 300 words) and keywords not exceeding five must be submitted under each abstract. In the abstracts; purpose, method, findings and conclusion information should be included. In addition, at least 1 and at most 3 JEL classification codes should be added at the two-digit level. For JEL classifications that should be selected according to the subject of the study, https://goo.gl/PjknfA can be used.
Authors are required to send a note including their affiliation institution, correspondence address, telephone and e-mail information along with their studies.
The authors are responsible for the opinions expressed in the studies.
Studies should be prepared in accordance with Turkish (or English) spelling and grammar rules.
Send your manuscripts in the APA 6 format. In the APA 6, headings and subtitles in the text is given as 5 levels.
Level 1 Center, Bold, Words start with a capital letter ends with a lowercase letter
Level 2 Left Aligned, Bold, Words start with a capital letter ends with a lowercase letter
Level 3 Right Indented , Bold, First word of the title starts with a capital letter, other words start and end with a lower case letter
Level 4 Right Indented, Bold and Italic, First word of title starts with a capital letter and other words start and end with a lowercase letter
Level 5 Right Indented, Italic, First word of title capitalized starts and other words start and end with a lowercase letter
Accepted articles will be published in the Journal's own format.
Reference Citations in Text
Ekonomik Yaklasim uses APA 6 citation and referencing style.
In APA style, in-text citations are placed within sentences and paragraphs so that it is clear what information is being quoted or paraphrased and whose information is being cited.
Works by a single author
The last name of the author and the year of publication are inserted in the text at the appropriate point.
from theory on bounded rationality (Simon, 1945)
If the name of the author or the date appear as part of the narrative, cite only missing information in parentheses.
Simon (1945) posited that
Works by multiple authors
When a work has two authors, always cite both names every time the reference occurs in the text. In parenthetical material join the names with an ampersand (&).
as has been shown (Leiter & Maslach, 1998)
In the narrative text, join the names with the word "and."
as Leiter and Maslach (1998) demonstrated
When a work has three, four, or five authors, cite all authors the first time the reference occurs.
Kahneman, Knetsch, and Thaler (1991) found
In all subsequent citations per paragraph, include only the surname of the first author followed by "et al." (Latin for "and others") and the year of publication.
Kahneman et al. (1991) found
Works by associations, corporations, government agencies, etc.
The names of groups that serve as authors (corporate authors) are usually written out each time they appear in a text reference.
(National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH], 2007)
When appropriate, the names of some corporate authors are spelled out in the first reference and abbreviated in all subsequent citations. The general rule for abbreviating in this manner is to supply enough information in the text citation for a reader to locate its source in the Reference List without difficulty.
(NIMH, 2007)
Works with no author
When a work has no author, use the first two or three words of the work's title (omitting any initial articles) as your text reference, capitalizing each word. Place the title in quotation marks if it refers to an article, chapter of a book, or Web page. Italicize the title if it refers to a book, periodical, brochure, or report.
on climate change ("Climate and Weather," 1997)
Guide to Agricultural Meteorological Practices (1981)
Anonymous authors should be listed as such followed by a comma and the date.
on climate change (Anonymous, 2008)
Specific parts of a source
To cite a specific part of a source (always necessary for quotations), include the page, chapter, etc. (with appropriate abbreviations) in the in-text citation.
(Stigter & Das, 1981, p. 96)
De Waal (1996) overstated the case when he asserted that "we seem to be reaching ... from the hands of philosophers" (p. 218).
If page numbers are not included in electronic sources (such as Web-based journals), provide the paragraph number preceded by the abbreviation "para." or the heading and following paragraph.
(Mönnich & Spiering, 2008, para. 9)
Reference List
References cited in the text of a research paper must appear in a Reference List. This list provides the information necessary to identify and retrieve each source.
Two additional pieces of information should be included for works accessed online.
Articles in journals, magazines, and newspapers
References to periodical articles must include the following elements: author(s), date of publication, article title, journal title, volume number, issue number (if applicable), and page numbers.
Journal article, one author, accessed online
Ku, G. (2008). Learning to de-escalate: The effects of regret in escalation of commitment.Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 105(2), 221-232. doi:10.1016/j.obhdp.2007.08.002
Journal article, two authors, accessed online
Sanchez, D., & King-Toler, E. (2007). Addressing disparities consultation and outreach strategies for university settings. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 59(4), 286-295. doi:10.1037/1065- 9293.59.4.286
Journal article, more than two authors, accessed online
Van Vugt, M., Hogan, R., & Kaiser, R. B. (2008). Leadership, followership, and evolution: Some lessons from the past. American Psychologist, 63(3), 182-196. doi:10.1037/0003-066X.63.3.182
Article from an Internet-only journal
Hirtle, P. B. (2008, July-August). Copyright renewal, copyright restoration, and the difficulty of determining copyright status. D-Lib Magazine, 14(7/8). doi:10.1045/july2008-hirtle
Journal article from a subscription database (no DOI)
Colvin, G. (2008, July 21). Information worth billions. Fortune, 158(2), 73-79. Retrieved from Business Source Complete, EBSCO. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com
Magazine article, in print
Kluger, J. (2008, January 28). Why we love. Time, 171(4), 54-60.
Newspaper article, no author, in print
As prices surge, Thailand pitches OPEC-style rice cartel. (2008, May 5). The Wall Street Journal, p. A9.
Newspaper article, multiple authors, discontinuous pages, in print
Delaney, K. J., Karnitschnig, M., & Guth, R. A. (2008, May 5). Microsoft ends pursuit of Yahoo, reassesses its online options. The Wall Street Journal, pp. A1, A12.
References to an entire book must include the following elements: author(s) or editor(s), date of publication, title, place of publication, and the name of the publisher.
No Author or editor, in print
Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary (11th ed.). (2003). Springfield, MA: Merriam- Webster.
One author, in print
Kidder, T. (1981). The soul of a new machine. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Company.
Two authors, in print
Frank, R. H., & Bernanke, B. (2007). Principles of macro-economics (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Corporate author, author as publisher, accessed online
Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2000). Tasmanian year book 2000 (No. 1301.6). Canberra, Australian Capital Territory: Author. Retrieved from http://www.ausstats.abs.gov.au/ausstats/subscriber.nsf/0/CA2568710006989...$File/13016_2000.pdf
Edited book
Gibbs, J. T., & Huang, L. N. (Eds.). (2001). Children of color: Psychological interventions with culturally diverse youth. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
References for dissertations should include the following elements: author, date of publication, title, and institution (if you accessed the manuscript copy from the university collections). If there is a UMI number or a database accession number, include it at the end of the citation.
Dissertation, accessed online
Young, R. F. (2007). Crossing boundaries in urban ecology: Pathways to sustainable cities(Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses database. (UMI No. 327681)
Essays or chapters in edited books
References to an essay or chapter in an edited book must include the following elements: essay or chapter authors, date of publication, essay or chapter title, book editor(s), book title, essay or chapter page numbers, place of publication, and the name of the publisher.
One author
Labajo, J. (2003). Body and voice: The construction of gender in flamenco. In T. Magrini (Ed.), Music and gender: perspectives from the Mediterranean (pp. 67-86). Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Two editors
Hammond, K. R., & Adelman, L. (1986). Science, values, and human judgment. In H. R. Arkes & K. R. Hammond (Eds.), Judgement and decision making: An interdisciplinary reader (pp. 127-143). Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Encyclopedias or dictionaries and entries in an encyclopedia
References for encyclopedias must include the following elements: author(s) or editor(s), date of publication, title, place of publication, and the name of the publisher. For sources accessed online, include the retrieval date as the entry may be edited over time.
Encyclopedia set or dictionary
Sadie, S., & Tyrrell, J. (Eds.). (2002). The new Grove dictionary of music and musicians(2nd ed., Vols. 1-29). New York, NY: Grove.
Article from an online encyclopedia
Containerization. (2008). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved May 6, 2008, from http://search.eb.com
Encyclopedia article
Kinni, T. B. (2004). Disney, Walt (1901-1966): Founder of the Walt Disney Company. InEncyclopedia of Leadership (Vol. 1, pp. 345-349). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Research reports and papers
References to a report must include the following elements: author(s), date of publication, title, place of publication, and name of publisher. If the issuing organization assigned a number (e.g., report number, contract number, or monograph number) to the report, give that number in parentheses immediately after the title. If it was accessed online, include the URL.
Government report, accessed online
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2005). Medicaid drug price comparisons: Average manufacturer price to published prices (OIG publication No. OEI-05-05- 00240). Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from http://www.oig.hhs.gov/oei/reports/oei-05-05-00240.pdf
Government reports, GPO publisher, accessed online
Congressional Budget Office. (2008). Effects of gasoline prices on driving behavior and vehicle markets: A CBO study (CBO Publication No. 2883). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. Retrieved from http://www.cbo.gov/ftpdocs/88xx/doc8893/01-14-GasolinePrices.pdf
Technical and/or research reports, accessed online
Deming, D., & Dynarski, S. (2008). The lengthening of childhood (NBER Working Paper 14124). Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research. Retrieved July 21, 2008, from http://www.nber.org/papers/w14124
Document available on university program or department site
Victor, N. M. (2008). Gazprom: Gas giant under strain. Retrieved from Stanford University, Program on Energy and Sustainable Development Web site: http://pesd.stanford.edu/publications/gazprom_gas_giant_under_strain/
Audio-visual media
References to audio-visual media must include the following elements: name and function of the primary contributors (e.g., producer, director), date, title, the medium in brackets, location or place of production, and name of the distributor. If the medium is indicated as part of the retrieval ID, brackets are not needed.
Achbar, M. (Director/Producer), Abbott, J. (Director), Bakan, J. (Writer), & Simpson, B. (Producer) (2004). The corporation [DVD]. Canada: Big Picture Media Corporation.
Audio recording
Nhat Hanh, T. (Speaker). (1998). Mindful living: a collection of teachings on love, mindfulness, and meditation [Cassette Recording]. Boulder, CO: Sounds True Audio.
Motion picture
Gilbert, B. (Producer), & Higgins, C. (Screenwriter/Director). (1980). Nine to five [Motion Picture]. United States: Twentieth Century Fox.
Television broadcast
Anderson, R., & Morgan, C. (Producers). (2008, June 20). 60 Minutes [Television broadcast]. Washington, DC: CBS News.
Television show from a series
Whedon, J. (Director/Writer). (1999, December 14). Hush [Television series episode]. In Whedon, J., Berman, G., Gallin, S., Kuzui, F., & Kuzui, K. (Executive Producers), Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Burbank, CA: Warner Bros..
Music recording
Jackson, M. (1982). Beat it. On Thriller [CD]. New York, NY: Sony Music.
Undated Web site content, blogs, and data
For content that does not easily fit into categories such as journal papers, books, and reports, keep in mind the goal of a citation is to give the reader a clear path to the source material. For electronic and online materials, include stable URL or database name. Include the author, title, and date published when available. For undated materials, include the date the resource was accessed.
Blog entry
Arrington, M. (2008, August 5). The viral video guy gets $1 million in funding. Message posted to http://www.techcrunch.com
Professional Web site
National Renewable Energy Laboratory. (2008). Biofuels. Retrieved May 6, 2008, from http://www.nrel.gov/learning/re_biofuels.html
Data set from a database
Bloomberg L.P. (2008). Return on capital for Hewitt Packard 12/31/90 to 09/30/08. Retrieved Dec. 3, 2008, from Bloomberg database.
Central Statistics Office of the Republic of Botswana. (2008). Gross domestic product per capita 06/01/1994 to 06/01/2008 [statistics]. Available from CEIC Data database.
Entire Web site
When citing an entire Web site (and not a specific document on that site), no Reference List entry is required if the address for the site is cited in the text of your paper.
Witchcraft In Europe and America is a site that presents the full text of many essential works in the literature of witchcraft and demonology (http://www.witchcraft.psmedia.com/).
This material is taken from Cornell University's Library Site. Available online at: https://www.library.cornell.edu/resrch/citmanage/apa
The manuscripts submitted to the Journal for publication should be original studies that were not published before or not submitted to anywhere else for publication.
Authors who submit their studies to the Journal should acknowledge that they have to transfer the copyright of their studies to Ekonomik Yaklaşım Association. The editorial board of the journal is authorized to publish the study. Those authors who will submit their studies to the Journal have to fill in the Copyright Transfer Form with a wet signature. The signed form should be scanned and sent to eyaklasimeditor@gmail.com.
Approval of Ethics Committee
Ethics Committee Permission is required for studies to be published as of 2020 in line with the decisions taken by Ulakbim TR Index. Ethics committee approval must be obtained separately for research in all scientific fields, including social and human sciences, and for clinical and experimental studies on humans and animals that require an ethical committee decision, this approval must be stated and documented in the papers.
In studies requiring ethics committee approval, information about the permission (name of the board, date and number) should be included in the method section and also on the first / last page of the paper. Papers should include a statement that the Research and Publication Ethics are complied.
Studies requiring Ethics Committee Permission are listed below. When uploading your manuscript to Ekonomik Yaklasim, you must upload the Ethics Committee Permission document along with your paper file. If your study is not included in the study group requiring ethics committee approval, you must declare this situation while submitting your work to the system and state that clearly in the submitted text of the paper.
For example:
"Approval of Ethics Committee
Ethics Committee approval is not required for this article."
Studies Requiring Ethics Committee Permission:
Should retrospective Ethics Committee Permission be obtained for publications produced from work and thesis completed in previous years?
Retrospective ethics committee approval is not required for papers that have used research data before 2020, that have been produced from master's / doctoral studies (should be specified in the article), which have been published in the journal in the previous year, accepted but not yet published.
With these rules of TR Index, are there restrictions on publications made outside the universities?
No. Researchers who are not members of the university can also apply to the Ethics Committees in their regions.
Appeals and Complaints
The below procedure applies to appeals to editorial decisions, complaints about failure of processes such as long delays in handling papers and complaints about publication ethics. The complaint should in first instance be handled by the Editor-in-Chief(s) responsible for the journal and/or the Editor who handled the paper. If they are the subject of the complaint please approach the in-house publishing contact.
Complaint about scientific content, e.g. an appeal against rejection
The Editor-in-Chief or Handling Editor considers the authors’ argument, the reviewer reports and decides whether
- The decision to reject should stand;
- Another independent opinion is required
- The appeal should be considered.
The complainant is informed of the decision with an explanation if appropriate. Decisions on appeals are final and new submissions take priority over appeals.
Complaint about processes, e.g. time taken to review
The Editor-in-Chief together with the Handling Editor (where appropriate) and/or in-house contact (where appropriate) will investigate the matter. The complainant will be given appropriate feedback. Feedback is provided to relevant stakeholders to improve processes and procedures.
Complaint about publication ethics, e.g., researcher's author's, or reviewer's conduct
The Editor-in-Chief or Handling Editor follows guidelines published by the Committee on Publication Ethics. The Editor-in-Chief or Handling Editor may ask the publisher via their in-house contact for advice on difficult or complicated cases. The Editor-in-Chief or Handling Editor decides on a course of action and provides feedback to the complainant. If the complainant remains dissatisfied with the handling of their complaint, he or she can submit the complaint to the Committee on Publication Ethics.
These guidelines describe authorship principles and good authorship practices to which prospective authors should adhere to.
Authorship clarified
The Journal and Publisher assume all authors agreed with the content and that all gave explicit consent to submit and that they obtained consent from the responsible authorities at the institute/organization where the work has been carried out, before the work is submitted.
The Publisher does not prescribe the kinds of contributions that warrant authorship. It is recommended that authors adhere to the guidelines for authorship that are applicable in their specific research field. In absence of specific guidelines it is recommended to adhere to the following guidelines a,b:
All authors whose names appear on the submission
Disclosures and declarations
All authors are requested to include information regarding sources of funding, financial or non-financial interests, study-specific approval by the appropriate ethics committee for research involving humans and/or animals, informed consent if the research involved human participants, and a statement on welfare of animals if the research involved animals (as appropriate),finally a statement that indicates author acted in accordance with ethical standards. If the above-mentioned situations are not available, the authors are requested to declare this situation as well.
For example:
"Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article."
"Approval of Ethics Committee
Ethics Committee approval is not required for this article."
Data transparency
All authors are requested to make sure that all data and materials as well as software application or custom code support their published claims and comply with field standards. Please note that journals may have individual policies on (sharing)research data in concordance with disciplinary norms and expectations. Please check the Instructions for Authors of the Journal that you are submitting to for specific instructions.
Role of the Corresponding Author
One author is assigned as Corresponding Author and acts on behalf of all co-authors and ensures that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately addressed
The Corresponding Author is responsible for the following requirements:
*The requirement of managing all communication between the journal and all co-authors during submission and proofing may be delegated to a Contact or Submitting Author. In this case please make sure the Corresponding Author is clearly indicated in the manuscript.
Author contributions
Please check the Instructions for Authors of the Journal that you are submitting to for specific instructions regarding contribution statements.
In absence of specific instructions and in research fields where it is possible to describe discrete efforts, the Publisher recommends authors to include contribution statements in the work that specifies the contribution of every author in order to promote transparency. These contributions should be listed at the end of the submission.
Examples of such statement(s) are shown below:
"All authors contributed to the study conception and design. Material preparation, data collection and analysis were performed by [full name], [full name] and [full name]. The first draft of the manuscript was written by [full name] and all authors commented on previous versions of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript."
Authors contributed equally to this work."
Compliance with Ethical Standards
To ensure objectivity and transparency in research and to ensure that accepted principles of ethical and professional conduct have been followed, authors should include information regarding sources of funding, potential conflicts of interest (financial or non-financial), informed consent if the research involved human participants, and a statement on welfare of animals if the research involved animals.
Authors should include the following statements (if applicable) in a separate section entitled “Compliance with Ethical Standards” at the end of their work when submitting a paper:
For example:
"Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article."
"Approval of Ethics Committee
Ethics Committee approval is not required for this article."
The corresponding author should be prepared to collect documentation of compliance with ethical standards and send if requested during peer review or after publication.
The Editors reserve the right to reject manuscripts that do not comply with the above-mentioned guidelines. The author will be held responsible for false statements or failure to fulfill the above-mentioned guidelines.
Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest
Authors must disclose all relationships or interests that could have direct or potential influence or impart bias on the work. Although an author may not feel there is any conflict, disclosure of relationships and interests provides a more complete and transparent process, leading to an accurate and objective assessment of the work.
Awareness of a real or perceived conflicts of interest is a perspective to which the readers are entitled. This is not meant to imply that a financial relationship with an organization that sponsored the research or compensation received for consultancy work is inappropriate.
Examples of potential conflicts of interests that are directly or indirectly related to the research may include but are not limited to the following:
In addition, interests that go beyond financial interests and compensation (non-financial interests) that may be important to readers should be disclosed. These may include but are not limited to personal relationships or competing interests directly or indirectly tied to this research, or professional interests or personal beliefs that may influence your research.
The corresponding author collects the conflict of interest disclosure forms from all authors. In author collaborations where formal agreements for representation allow it, it is sufficient for the corresponding author to sign the disclosure form on behalf of all authors.
For example:
"Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article."
Ethical Responsibilities of Authors
This journal is committed to upholding the integrity of the scientific record. As a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) the journal will follow the COPE guidelines on how to deal with potential acts of misconduct.
Authors should refrain from misrepresenting research results which could damage the trust in the journal, the professionalism of scientific authorship, and ultimately the entire scientific endeavour. Maintaining integrity of the research and its presentation is helped by following the rules of good scientific practice, which include*:
Important note: the journal may use software to screen for plagiarism.
*All of the above are guidelines and authors need to make sure to respect third parties rights such as copyright and/or moral rights.
Upon request authors should be prepared to send relevant documentation or data in order to verify the validity of the results presented. This could be in the form of raw data, samples, records, etc. Sensitive information in the form of confidential or proprietary data is excluded.
If there is suspicion of misbehavior or alleged fraud the Journal and/or Publisher will carry out an investigation following COPE guidelines. If, after investigation, there are valid concerns, the author(s) concerned will be contacted under their given e-mail address and given an opportunity to address the issue. Depending on the situation, this may result in the Journal’s and/or Publisher’s implementation of the following measures, including, but not limited to:
The reason will be given in the published erratum/correction, expression of concern or retraction note. Please note that retraction means that the article is maintained on the platform, watermarked “retracted” and the explanation for the retraction is provided in a note linked to the watermarked article.
Fundamental errors
Authors have an obligation to correct mistakes once they discover a significant error or inaccuracy in their published article. The author(s) is/are requested to contact the journal and explain in what sense the error is impacting the article. A decision on how to correct the literature will depend on the nature of the error. This may be a correction or retraction. The retraction note should provide transparency which parts of the article are impacted by the error.
Suggesting / excluding reviewers
Authors are welcome to suggest suitable reviewers and/or request the exclusion of certain individuals when they submit their manuscripts. When suggesting reviewers, authors should make sure they are totally independent and not connected to the work in any way. It is strongly recommended to suggest a mix of reviewers from different countries and different institutions. When suggesting reviewers, the Corresponding Author must provide an institutional email address for each suggested reviewer, or, if this is not possible to include other means of verifying the identity such as a link to a personal homepage, a link to the publication record or a researcher or author ID in the submission letter. Please note that the Journal may not use the suggestions, but suggestions are appreciated and may help facilitate the peer review process.
Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers
The fact that all manuscripts are reviewed through Blind Review has a direct influence on the publication quality. This process ensures confidentiality by objective and independent review. The review process at Ekonomik Yaklasim is carried out on the principle of double blind review. Reviewers do not contact the authors directly, and the reviews and comments are conveyed through the journal management system. In this process, the reviewer views on the evaluation forms and full texts are assigned to the author(s) by the editor. Therefore, the reviewers doing review work for Ekonomik Yaklasim are supposed to bear the following ethical responsibilities:
Reviewers must
Ethical Responsibilities of Editor and Publisher
Ekonomik Yaklasim Association, publisher of Ekonomik Yaklasim, is a non-profit civil society organization. Ekonomik Yaklasim Association is conscious of the fact that they must observe the ethical responsilities below and act accordingly:
Unethical Behaviour
Should you encounter any unethical act or content in Ekonomik Yaklasim apart from the ethical responsibilities listed above, please notify the journal by e-mail at eyaklasimeditor@gmail.com.
At Ekonomik Yaklasim, the accepted manuscripts undergo the processes of plagiarism detection, preparation of bibliography, cross-reference and reference check, layout and galley, assigning a DOI number and being put into online first. The manuscripts in early release are published in the volume and issue determined by the editorial board.
Plagiarism Detection
In accordance with its publishing policies, Ekonomik Yaklasim oblige each study that has undergone the Blind Review Process to be detected for plagiarism to protect the integrity of the study. Therefore, both Turkish and English copies of the study are detected for plagiarism.
The plagiarism detection is done by Turnitin and iThenticate softwares. The matches found in each study after plagiarism detection are analysed in detail and those matches with correct reference and cross-reference are sorted. In the next step, the mistakes in the remaining matches are determined and reported to the editorial board. The board, then, makes a final decision in the light of the plagiarism detection report. The author may be asked to correct the mistakes listed in the report or the study may be returned to the author.
References and Citation Control
Ekonomik Yaklasim, in accordance with its publication ethics, considers it to be an obligation for the accepted studies to have correct and complete references and attributions. Therefore, each study, after acceptance, is checked in terms of bibliography, referencing and attribution.
The full Turkish and English texts of the accepted studies are processed for bibliography, referencing and attribution check in the following steps:
For the Turkish full text Turkish rules and regulations of referencing are used, and for the English full texts English rules and regulations of referencing are used.
Layout and Galley
Ekonomik Yaklasim requires that the articles be printed in a common type of and complete page layout for formal integrity, readability and standards.
Assigning a DOI Number
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is a unique access number that enables the identification and accessibility of each article published electronically. It is mandatory that each article published in Ekonomik Yaklasim or in early release is assigned a DOI number.
After acceptance, the manuscripts which are checked for plagiarism and bibliography and ready for publication are given a DOI number by the Editorial Board.
Online First
Ekonomik Yaklasim values the dissemination of up-to-date and original information. Therefore, those manuscripts that are accepted after the review process and whose process for publication is over are published electronically as online first. Later, these manuscripts are given page numbers and published in the volume and issue found suitable by the editorial board. The manuscripts in the online first may not be the final version to be seen in the normal issue. Minor editing may be done on the final version to be published.
Language Editing
The language (Turkish and English) of the manuscripts submitted to Ekonomik Yaklasim must be accurate in terms of rules of grammar and scientific literature and must have a plain and clear language quality. Manuscripts should be written in fluent language and free of foreign words. If the manuscripts are edited before they are submitted for review, the process of publication gets healthy.